TaxTron Software Exclusions

Canada Revenue Limitation

  • Form T1273 only allows 15 occurrences in section 7 and 8.
  • TaxTron does not support Multi-Jurisdictional tax returns.

Quebec Exclusions

  • TaxTron does not handle tax returns in which there are more than two informations in Section 7 (Expenses incurred to earn income from a partnership (TP-80 – lines 485 to 487)
  • TaxTron does not handle tax returns needing more than one form for Costs incurred for work on a building (TP-1086.R23.12)
  • TaxTron does not handle tax returns indicating more than four deductions for Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) in the relevant form Income and Expenses from Rental Property (TP-128)
  • TaxTron does not handle tax returns indicating more than six deductions for CCA in the relevant form Income and Expenses from Business/Profession (TP-80)
  • TaxTron does not support Multi-Jurisdictional tax returns

Corporate T2 Exclusions

Income Tax Regulation 403 – Insurance corporations

Income Tax Regulation 404 – Banks

Income Tax Regulation 405 – Trust and loan corporations

Schedules not supported by TaxTron

Schedule 042 – Calculation of Unused Part I Tax Credit

Schedule 043 – Calculation of Parts IV.1 and VI.1 Taxes

Schedule 045 – Agreement Respecting Liability for Part VI.1 Tax

Schedule 073 – Income Inclusion Summary for Corporations that are Members of Partnerships Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit and related provincial forms

Film or Video Production Services Tax Credit and related provincial forms

Digital Media Tax Credit

Provincial forms not supported by TaxTron

Newfoundland and Labrador

Schedule 059 – Information Return for Non-Qualified Securities

Schedule 308 – Newfoundland and Labrador Venture Capital Tax Credit

Prince Edward Island

Schedule 321 – Prince Edward Island Corporate Investment Tax Credit

New Brunswick

Schedule 360 – New Brunswick Research and Development Tax Credit

Schedule 367 – New Brunswick Small Business Investor Tax Credit


Schedule 380 – Manitoba Research and Development Tax Credit

Schedule 384 – Manitoba Co-op Education and Apprenticeship Tax Credit

Schedule 385 – Manitoba Odour-Control Tax Credit

Schedule 387 – Manitoba Small Business Venture Capital Tax Credit

Schedule 389 – Manitoba Book Publishing Tax Credit

Schedule 392 – Manitoba Data Processing Investment Tax Credits

Schedule 393 – Manitoba Nutrient Management Tax Credit

Schedule 394 – Manitoba Rental Housing Construction Tax Credit


Schedule 402 – Saskatchewan Manufacturing and Processing Investment Tax Credit

Schedule 410 – Additional Certificate Numbers for the Saskatchewan Film Employment Tax Credit

British Columbia

Schedule 421 – British Columbia Mining Exploration Tax Credit

Schedule 426 – British Columbia Manufacturing and Processing Tax Credit

Schedule 428 – British Columbia Training Tax Credit

Schedule 430 – British Columbia Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Industry Tax Credit

Nova Scotia

Schedule 349 – Nova Scotia Innovation Equity Tax Credit

Schedule 350 – Nova Scotia Venture Capital Tax Credit

Schedule 351 – Additional Certificate Numbers for the Nova Scotia Capital Investment Tax Credit